OMD再袭CES Asia,构建媒介新生态驱动商业共赢

企业荣誉 / 2024-09-29 07:37

本文摘要:上海,2016年5月12日——全球领先的营销传播和媒介投资代理机构浩腾媒体(中国)再次联手CES,在2016亚洲消费电子展(CES ASIA)上以Connected Economy为主题,探究和共享了时下最前沿的科技与媒介的创意成果、未来中国的洞察以及品牌如何面临媒介巨变带给的冲击,力主推展重构媒介生态,增进网络经济的较慢发展。


上海,2016年5月12日——全球领先的营销传播和媒介投资代理机构浩腾媒体(中国)再次联手CES,在2016亚洲消费电子展(CES ASIA)上以Connected Economy为主题,探究和共享了时下最前沿的科技与媒介的创意成果、未来中国的洞察以及品牌如何面临媒介巨变带给的冲击,力主推展重构媒介生态,增进网络经济的较慢发展。在精心搭构的“媒介新的生态”展区中,浩腾媒体独家公布了业界首个《未来发展中国未来》报告及《2016年媒介风向标》,并与诸位科技精英、业内大咖和品牌企业共享了虚拟现实技术等政治宣传媒介和广告蓝图的当红新的科技和炫酷案例,同时与Robin8牵头公布了中国消费类电子之百大网白排行榜,共话网红经济的兴起及所求之道,探究如何利用这些变革重塑消费者与品牌的对话营销方式。中国的未来:浩腾媒体独家专题报告 品牌如何应付瞬息万变的2016? CES ASIA是消费电子产业的翘楚盛会,说明了了亚洲市场的创意两翼和发展风向标。

作为行业的领先机构,浩腾媒体此次还牵头了诸多在以媒介创意来驱动商业方面(ConnectedEconomy)领先的研发和转型公司,所牵涉到的领域涵括了移动程序、户外数字化、网络电视与虚拟现实技术等。“那些动摇行业的消费电子产品领域创意将对未来品牌营销的构成产生根本性影响,”浩腾媒体中国区首席执行官汪慧玲回应,“科技变革越来越快,这些大力的政治宣传是策略营销的转型机遇,以此来寻找与受众对话的优于方式,并且将竞争优势和品牌市场价值最大化。” 浩腾媒体中国区首席执行官汪慧玲 DougPearce,宏盟媒体集团大中华区首席执行官也回应,“对于媒介公司、品牌和消费电子科技而言,中国乃至整个亚太区是世界上仅次于、最不具活力、以及有可能是最重要的市场。



” Doug Pearce, 宏盟媒体集团大中华区首席执行官 专题讨论:VR重磅来袭广告业 专题讨论:网红经济不会给品牌带给怎样的价值? 专题讨论:消费者主导的媒介科技革新 Shanghai, May 12, 2016 – Leading marketing communications and media investment agency, OMD China, presents cutting-edge insights on the connected economy at CES Asia 2016, held May 11-13 in Shanghai. Over the course of three days, OMD is gathering together leading minds to introduce and discuss: media trends (Transcend 2016); changes in consumer behavior (Future of China forecast); new technologies—such as Virtual Reality—which are disrupting the media and advertising landscape; the rising impact of KOLs; and the methods and ideas to apply these changes to engage consumers with brands. CES Asia is the premier event for the consumer technology industry, showcasing the breadth and depth of innovation in the Asian marketplace. CES Asia focuses on three major themes: connectivity, innovation and the Internet of Things. Exhibitors will represent 15 product categories including 3D printing, audio, content and online, green technologies, health, home entertainment, lifestyle, mobile, robotics, smart home, sports andfitness, vehicle technology, video/4K Ultra HD, video gaming and wearables. For CES, OMD is partnering with some of the leading companies developing and transforming the new connected economy, including in mobile programmatic, Digital Out of Home, Online TV, virtual reality and more. “Innovations in consumer electronics that are shaking up the industry will play a critical role in shaping the future of brand marketing,” said Arlene Ang, CEO for OMD China. “Technologyis changing faster than ever, and these positive disruptions are opportunities to transform strategic marketing to find better ways to engage audiences, and to maximize competitive advantage and market value for brands.” Doug Pearce, CEO, Omnicom Media Group, Greater China, said, “China and the entire APAC region is one of the largest, most dynamic and arguably the most important markets in the world—for media companies, brands and consumer electronics. OMD is constantly refining and investingin improvements in technology. And through our OMD Innovation Fund (OIF), we are sponsoring the startups that will disrupt the future. This is an exciting time to be in media and advertising, and an exciting time to help brands achieve more effective, powerful results from their marketing efforts.。

